You Deserve a Break Today

We spend years repeating behaviors that hurt us. 

Eating garbage, sleeping poorly, isolating our feelings, drinking too much, moving too little, bullshitting ourselves, beating ourselves up.

A lot of this stuff is culturally reinforced, which can make it tougher to steer a new course.

But mostly, the challenge is within.

For a lot of us, it’s not realistic to wake up one morning and adopt a healthy lifestyle all at once without demons sabotaging.

Healthy change is usually more of a progression where we move forward, fall back some, and then move forward again. 

Those fall backs are key moments, because when we punish ourselves - we’re saying we deserve to be unhealthy. 

Let’s say you’ve been doing great for a few weeks and then one Friday night after an especially long week, you get with some people, drink too much and wind up stuffing your face with McDonalds or pizza at 1 AM.

What do you do the next morning into the next week?

These are the Saturday mornings where you can go ahead and give yourself a break.

You fucked up. Whatever. You’re human and whatnot.

You can take the two steps back, forgive yourself, and get back to your three steps forward. 

You deserve a break more than anyone.

Oh, here’s the McDonalds Commercial from the 80s - You Deserve a Break Today. Look how healthy those kids look despite eating garbage. That’s advertising I guess….