Weekend Phone Fast Protocol (Lets Go!)

I took Intermittent Fasting & applied it to my phone. please join us!

I took the idea of Intermittent Fasting and applied it to my phone.

I call it Digital Intermittent Fasting and I’ve been doing it on the weekends as a way to disconnect from the stupid 247365 noise spigot and endless doom scroll treadmill.

Too much of the phone is poison, we all know this already, and I suspect over the next few years we will learn it’s far worse than even current dour expectations.

Far worse for our emotional world, relationships, self-concept, reality testing, eyesight, breathing, attention span, presence, metabolic health, time management, I can continue ….

Total Poison.

Meanwhile, I want less and digital fasting is one way I am getting it.

I invite everyone to join in on the weekend digital fasts and so I set some best practices which you can alter, embellish, or ignore entirely. These work for me.

1. Late Thursday afternoons, turn off your ringer and notifications. 

2. Most of the weekend, keep the phone in a drawer.

2. Zero social media or news even on the desktop and TV.

3. Friday through Sunday, block off thirty minutes in the morning and in the evening for texts and phone calls.

4. Sleep with the phone outside of your bedroom and in that drawer.

5. Monday morning, plug yourself back in.

Note: I take the phone with me when we’re out and about especially if there are logistic issues with my kids, rides and such, but I keep the ringer and notifications off.

Have a great weekend everybody.

PS: This will be an amazing weekend to get off the digital noise pollution treadmill as the weather in the Hudson Valley will be silly nice especially early in the morning when the hiking is sublime. Get a load of this forecast…