The Multiverse Is Real

On the value of conversations with my future selves

Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse featured a whole bunch of Spidermen convening from parallel universes to save the world!

A few weeks back, Google announced a quantum computing breakthrough.

Google’s new chip Willow solved a problem in less than 5 minutes that would take the world’s fastest computers 10 septillion years to solve.

I don’t understand it, but I know it’s fascinating - and what is most fascinating to me was this tidbit about the possible reality of a multiverse summarized by Matt Swayne in Quantum Insider:

Google Quantum AI team founder Hartmut Neven argued that the chip’s success supports the idea of quantum computation occurring in many parallel universes, aligning with interpretations of quantum mechanics that are based on a multiverse.

Neven’s comments echo the theories of British physicist David Deutsch, who was among the first to suggest that quantum computation might involve parallel universes.

Neven suggests the Multiverse might be real. 

I Love It!

The Multiverse, for those not familiar, is this idea that there are parallel universes existing simultaneously. 

It is most well known from science fiction.

If you ever saw the wonderful movie, Spider-Man: Into the Spiderverse, you’ll be familiar with this concept. Above is a photo from the movie with seven different Spidermen from seven parallel universes converging on an important mission to save the world.

It’s nice to hear these genius physicists suspect that the multiverse is real, but I have known this to be the case for quite some time.

Odds Likely Exceeding 99%

Almost everybody reading this is going to wake up one year from today on February 6, 2026. You’re going to wake up, take a pee, brush your teeth and put on some clothes the same way you did this morning.

That day is almost as real as today is real. It just hasn’t happened yet. 

Sure, you could get hit by a bus, but the strong probability remains, you will still be alive one year from today.

I looked it up just to make sure. I Googled,

I’m a 57 year old male non-smoker. What is the probability I will still be alive one year from today?

And here’s what I got:

Google Gemini is telling me there is a greater than 99% chance I will still be alive one year from today. That’s good to hear!

The odds are very high for me anyway. And even if you are older than me the odds are still high for you. I looked up 65 year-old male non-smoker and got a greater than 95% chance.

So the future you is almost as real as the present you reading this newsletter right now.  

There’s also future you’s waking up a week from today, a month from today,  5 years from today, ten years from today, etc etc. 

There’s a lot of these future you’s!

Maybe they’re not 100% real, but in many cases their realness likely exceeds 99%.

The Multiverse Is Real!

Given all of these selves spread out simultaneously over time, The Multiverse is looking real real!

We can go so far as to imagine our present selves having a conversation with our future selves.

There were many days when my future self would have loved to berate the past me about all of the drinking and smoking I was doing.

And I’m certain my 10 years from today self is pleased that I got my health game together finally. I’ve had the conversations…

Thanks Phil, for finally getting your shit together, my 10 years from today self has said.

You’re welcome 67 year old Phil & thank you for your patience! I’ve replied, I was a work in progress for a minute there I know.

I have these conversations with my future selves and so it is nice to know that these future selves are real, that my hypothesis is supported by quantum physicists and that I’m not crazy.

I have these conversations when I am at important moments in my life and I encourage my clients to do it too sometimes.

We can vividly imagine the future self we aspire to be at a specific pivotal moment down the road and then have a conversation with them.

There is flexibility with regard to our future selves. We can help determine their state through our actions today.

Let me just say that again.

We can help determine who we are in the future by our actions today.

Have a great day everybody!