The Greatest Investment of All Time

There is one investment that generates massive gains while remaining immune to market cycles, bubbles, fads, crashes, rates or the economy.

Briefly, I want to thank everyone reading. 

This is the 80th Prime Cuts I’m sending and it has been an incredible experience so far.

Connecting with a growing community of readers is profound and I am grateful to you and energized to provide more value and to keep learning.

Thank you for your questions and comments and for the new relationships this endeavor has fostered. Please keep challenging me.

I started Prime Cuts with three goals and they remain the same in 2022:

1. Inspire readers to improve quality of life.

2. Learn and communicate my thoughts simply and clearly.

3. Sharpen my own health game.

If you have feedback or questions, please hit me up by replying to this email directly, emailing [email protected] if you're reading on the web, or by commenting in the section below.

Ok, today’s post. I originally published the following on my old blog a couple years back and I like to begin the year with it…

The Greatest Value Investment of All Time

There is one value investment that generates massive gains while remaining immune to market cycles, bubbles, fads, crashes, rates or the economy.

It is relentlessly undervalued and, judging by the obesity secular bull market that continues longer than the great bond bull, shows few signs of trading at a premium anytime soon.

I am talking about good nutrition – simple clean eating.

Those who make a lifestyle of eating healthy earn crazy short and long term returns with negative correlation to Waistline Momentum and the Great American Sugar Mania.

The food we ingest fuels our engine and serves as the continuous rebuilding material for the only body we ever get. It supersedes exercise programs and in many cases medication.