The Culmination of Small Choices

Here's an old quote:

How you do anything is how you do everything.

I see this attributed to an “old Zen saying but I'm not so sure about that.

I'm not so sure about its meaning either.

I see people doing some things one way and other things differently.

This morning, I’m thinking specifically about the chasm between how we handle our wealth and how we handle our health.

Maybe we make good decisions when it comes to wealth but poor decisions when it comes to health.

We dollar cost average over long periods of time in a diversified portfolio of low-cost funds, yet we consume too much garbage and move too little.

A health mindset leads to specific actions over time just like a wealth mindset leads to rational financial planning.

Many of the same rules apply and both are crucial to the wellbeing of our future selves.

In either case, wisdom is the culmination of small choices made daily.