The Convergence of Health and Wealth Planning

Retirement planning usually implies wealth planning but broadening the scope to include long-term personal health planning will prove rational, complementary, and attainable.

Here’s a prediction. 

We’re about to see personal wealth planning and personal health planning begin to converge in a way that is super beneficial for individuals with the resources and time perspective capacity to benefit.

Let me begin to break it down.

People exert a ton of resources planning for retirement. They work hard, they put away money, and they stay the course. 

Because some of the investment process is automated and financial industries make a lot from it and market well, the value proposition has become internalized culturally especially by those who generate high income.

Meanwhile, long-term personal health planning is arguably even more important, yet our broader culture continues to get fatter and more sedentary.

What good is robust retirement savings if your body is shot?

There are a lot of reasons why health planning has been less emphasized but simplified - you can’t automate nutrition and exercise and there is no large business that makes money from your best health interests.

Over the next few weeks, I’m going to lay out the mechanics for broadening the scope of retirement planning to include personal health planning.

Retirement planning usually implies wealth planning but broadening the scope to include long-term personal health planning will prove rational, complementary, and attainable.

If you have information related to the convergence of personal health and personal wealth planning, please hit me with it at [email protected].

This is a formative moment in the endeavor and I’m open to all ideas.

Next week, I will look at key factors that play a big part in the convergence of health and wealth planning including money, time, time perspective, community, and knowledge.

In the meantime, here’s a related post I originally published on my other blog a while back about the greatest value investment of all time.


There is one value investment that generates massive gains while remaining immune to market cycles, bubbles, fads, crashes, rates or the economy.

It is relentlessly undervalued and, judging by the obesity secular bull market that continues longer than the great bond bull, shows few signs of trading at a premium anytime soon.

The trend is not your friend.

I am talking about good nutrition – simple clean eating.

Those who make a lifestyle of eating healthy earn crazy short and long term returns with negative correlation to Waistline Momentum and the Great American Sugar Mania.

The food we ingest fuels our engine and serves as the continuous rebuilding material for the only body we ever get. It supersedes exercise programs and in many cases medication.