The Big Shift

The power we have to redefine ourselves often sits unused but it can be transformational.

I speak with people who want to improve their lives. They tell me what they are doing and what they are not doing. 

Sometimes, it becomes a survey of goods and bads. I drank too much on Saturday but I ate well on Sunday.

It can become a never ending list like we’re going to add up all the pluses and minuses and that number will matter somehow.

The mental framework becomes a scoreboard but the game never ends.

The Things We Think About Ourselves Matter

The things we think about the world help determine the world we inhabit and the things we think about ourselves help determine who we are.

We have some control over the things we think about ourselves. We can make a list of who we are. We already do this, we just don’t always think about doing it.

Here are some of mine:

I am a father.

I am a husband

I am a heretic.

I am a creative.

I am a health nut.

These statements help me clarify who I am and they can be aspirational.

The Big Shift

The big shift in thinking here goes like this.

We move away from adding up the good and the bad actions and replace the scoreboard with statements we make defining who we are.

The power we have to redefine ourselves often sits unused but it can be transformational.

Blake’s Newton

Today’s post was inspired, in part, by William Blake. Here is Blake’s Newton…

And here is a great online version of The Marriage of Heaven and Hell.