Sunday Morning Gratitude

I'm gonna keep on reserving Sunday mornings for gratitude regardless of the misery of the world or my own problems.

I took some time this morning to catch up on the news of the past few days and, like Joni Mitchell sang, it sure looks bad.

Walking away from it for a minute, though, I thought about how blessed I am on this Sunday morning to be healthy in a warm home with the people I love most.

I find that when I linger on gratitude, my mind fills with positive thoughts and my soul nourishes.

I studied plenty of psychology and I get the various explanations for this across schools of thought. I don't think any of them really capture the source of the feelings or their powers, but I don't really care.

I just know it happens and that it's replicable so I'm gonna keep on reserving Sunday mornings for gratitude regardless of the misery of the world or my own problems.

Here’s one of my favorite things on the internet. Joni Mitchell solo live performance of California intro’d by Johnny Cash!