So many words get thrown around with so little meaning

So many words get thrown around with so little meaning. Podcasts, books, people talking, people tweeting. 

It’s too much.

Sometimes my dog goes a day without barking.

I’ve been reading from Tao Te Ching again. It's less than 10,000 words but wider than the sky.

Sometimes I’ll riff on a brief passage for days when I’m walking or sitting.

Here’s one:

If you want to know me,

look inside your heart.

Maybe Lao-tzu was referring to The Way when he uses the pronoun me. Maybe he’s referring to someone you love. Maybe he's referring to yourself.

Maybe all three.

It's ten words worth ten books and a thousand podcasts. Here it is again:

If you want to know me,

look inside your heart.

Statue of Lao-tzu in Quanzhou

Here’s a few links related to today’s email: