Reinventions Are Infinite

We become what we think and do.

“Revolutions are infinite.”

Yevgeny Zamyatin wrote that 100 years ago. He was a father to Orwell, Huxley and Bradbury. Exiled from Russia before it was cool.

I thought about Zamyatin this weekend as our nation stumbled into the 4th of July holiday. It feels like things might bubble over but who knows. 

I can vote and donate but I don’t have much control over where the nation is heading unless I decide to become D-503 or Winston Smith or Montag.

I have a lot more control over where I am heading as an individual.

Reinventions are infinite too.

We can reinvent ourselves and then reinvent ourselves again. We can do it progressively or at once.

It doesn't matter how old we are or how deeply ensconced our habits.

We don't have to be artists though it is a creative endeavor.

We become what we think and do.

Kit Russell’s I-330 from The Folio Society Edition of We by Yevgeny Zamyatin.

Here are some links related to today’s post:

We Are What We Think (Bodhipaksa)