Prime Cuts / Meat Mafia 2022 August Walkabout In Effect!!

Walking: Superpower and Gateway Drug

Last August, we held the First Ever Prime Cuts August Walkabout to promote the health benefits of daily walking. 

People from all over the world participated and we helped spur new healthy habits and reinforce existing ones.

We are doing it again and taking it to the next level. We want to foster enduring good health habits and have fun doing it!

Enter The Meat Mafia

This year, I am pleased to announce a collaboration in this endeavor with The Legendary Meat Mafia!! 

A couple months back I was a guest on The Meat Mafia Podcast and, while they’re younger and have a slightly different focus, we discovered that we share a common primary motivation which is: 

We Want to Inspire People to Get Healthy, Learn, and Have Fun Doing It!

With @MrSollozzo & @CarniClemenza of The Meat Mafia on board, we will span generations and get people out there discovering the profound positive effects of simply walking.

Walking: Superpower and Gateway Drug

Walking is an underrated super powerful habit for all ages and a gateway drug to other healthy activities. We walk and it feels great and then we want to do other stuff that’s good for our body and mind.

The Walkabout works like this: We will take a walk everyday for the month of August, rain or shine, and invite everyone to join in! We’ll post pics on Twitter and root each other on.

The Rules are simple:

  1. Take a walk everyday in August.

  2. If you miss a day, there’s no penalty. Just walk the next day.

  3. Tell your friends and fams and invite them to participate.

  4. Cheer each other on!

There is no fee and you don’t have to sign up for anything.

A Bit More About Walking Superpowers

Walking is so unassuming that people take it for granted and maybe don’t realize the superpower force of doing it daily. 

But really it’s great and the most natural and basic movement there is for humans. We are bipeds. We walk. 

Here’s a list… Walking can:

  1. Spur Creativity

  2. Enhance Mood

  3. Help Keep Us Lean

  4. Improve Coordination

  5. Increase Flexibility

  6. Boost Our Immune System

  7. Increase Lifespan

  8. Reduce Arthritis

  9. Lower Blood Pressure

  10. Foster Mindfulness

  11. Lead to More Healthy Habits

  12. And More!!

Seems crazy that such a seemingly modest habit can do so much but that is the elegance and genius of simple goodness in a complicated world.

Look for more mentions in the Prime Cuts Newsletter (You can Subscribe Here)

And Follow Us on Twitter for Updates, TwitPics, and Insights:

We’re planning a Twitter Spaces to kick this off next week so keep an eye out!