PCN 2: All Happiness Is Local

Hi -

I am wondering about the good that might come from the insanity we are all experiencing together.

I have no idea how the world might improve when coronavirus passes - whether the environment greens because less people travel, or if some might eat more meals with their families, or remain more generous tippers.

I have my hunches but there is zero way to predict any of it and I have no control over any of it either.

I am focusing energy more on the home front and what I can do for my family, my community, and the people in my life that I care most about.

All happiness is local I think.

Here is a dog smiling:

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Here’s some stuff I’ve been checking out:

1. Jerry Teixeira is a strength coach who focuses on body weight exercises. His work is perfect during quarantine because you don’t need the gym. Plus, you can really learn a lot about how your body works.

JT approaches the process thoughtfully. Here’s a short video he made about how to get started doing pull ups by breaking them down into parts. I’m doing this with my kids now and it is fantastic.

2. Sarcopenia is the loss of muscle that naturally occurs with aging. It starts as early as 30, no sh*t, and is associated with frailty and a decrease in life expectancy. As we age, we can counteract sarcopenia through strength training.

Sarcopenia’s emergence as a clinical concern can be traced to a specific event. In 1988, Irwin Rosenberg, the then-director of the Jean Mayer USDA Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston, Massachusetts, attended a scientific meeting on health in older people in Albuquerque, New Mexico, after which he was asked to write up his notes. In these, Rosenberg called attention to a point that clearly had been neglected, given that it touched so many aspects of health. “No decline with age is more dramatic or potentially more functionally significant than the decline in lean body mass,” he wrote. “Why have we not given it more attention?”

3. In February, George Hood set the world for planking. Hood is 62. Beast!

Have a great day everybody.