One Good Day

Here's where I am these days.

Here’s where I am these days.

I keep it simple.

I am aware of research and read some of it. I read The Good Life recently and loved it btw. 

But I’m not obsessing about optimization and things like the perfect ratio of Zone 2 to Zone 4 training etc. It’s splitting hairs and I can get 90% of the superhealth with none of the complexity.

I focus on having One Good Day, which mostly includes,

  1. Morning Sun

  2. Body Movement (Play)

  3. Focused Work

  4. Strong Nourishment &

  5. Family Dinner

  6. Rest

And then I shoot for another One Good Day again tomorrow.

That’s pretty much it.

Maybe I could be optimizing more but I find that simplicity and consistency trumps complexity and intensity (though I do enjoy and add some intensity).

I’m not into watches or rings or apps and maybe that changes but not very soon. I have nothing against anyone into these things, especially those who are becoming more aware of how much alcohol affects sleep. 

But I’m more into paying attention to my body and learning more about myself from internal cues. 

Am I hungry? Do I feel rested? What’s my mood?

Seems like we’ve gotten away from tuning into our own internal cues. Perhaps, this is a symptom of the toxic health culture we live in, so I focus more on tuning into me.

I take this One Good Day thing and I stack it, one after the next and this works well.

I wrote a post a couple years ago called How Much Do We Age in a Day? that pairs well with this current post.

It focuses on how, if we live clean for one day, we might age less than a day that day. Then if we stack those clean days, we age a lot less over time.

Hat Tip to my old pal Mike Bellafiore who wrote this wonderful book back in the day called One Good Trade, which inspired the title of this post!


Here are some links relevant to this post.