Make Yourself Uncomfortable

There was this poem I remember reading that began something like,

I’d rather sleep all day like a sack on a sofa,

I don’t remember where I read it and I couldn't find it online but it was about gravity and how sloth was great until it was a disease.

There is this universal force that weighs us down and promotes inaction and comfort. It is seductive and it sneaks up on us.

And we live in a world where comfort is so accessible that the seduction is almost unfair.

We have air conditioning in the summer, heat in the winter, a fridge stocked with food and drink, and if we don't, we can simply order anything from our couch and have it sent to us in minutes or overnight in dry ice via Federal Express.

I thought about this just this morning as I was adjusting the heat function on my car seat.

All of this comfort is not good.

It is seductive because it makes our lives easier but then as we get more and more comfortable, we get dull like a cheap knife.

Embracing Discomfort

I want to embrace discomfort. 

I want to do things that are difficult and that challenge my body and mind.

I want to wake up achy sometimes.

I believe this makes us healthier, happier, sharper, and more effective in our pursuits.

It’s spring and a great time to take on physical challenges.

It’s a great time to make ourselves uncomfortable.

I’ll be training for the Fall Foliage Half Marathon scheduled for October. 

I ran the same race in 2017 and it kicked my butt.

I tried to keep a ten minute mile pace, which I was beating handily for the first ten miles or so. But then I fell apart and missed my goal by six seconds/mile.

I found my stats from that race on their website:

This year, I’m trying to break two hours, which is a 9 min and 9 sec/mile pace. 

I’m five years older but considerably healthier.

Hopefully, it’ll kick my butt. lol.