Make Yourself Healthy Again

If America is going to get healthy, it’s going to be a grassroots effort.

If America is going to get healthy, it’s going to be a grassroots effort. 

We can policy all day long, and hopefully it will help over time, but today, right now, this moment, it will be up to individuals like you and me, to get healthy and to set great examples.

You and me and then our families and our neighbors and their families etc etc.

I already see the roots of a grassroots movement in individuals who inspire me personally. A couple examples…

Dr. Tro Kalayjian got himself healthy and then built Toward Health which has helped countless people.

Toward just published a study showing the effectiveness of lifestyle change for sustained weight loss, improved metabolic health, and deprescription, a term you will never see the global pharmaceutical complex use on the commercials they run 24/7/365 ad nauseam.

And Chris Cornell who lost 80 pounds and kept it off the old fashioned way, by eating nourishing food and moving his body.

Today, there are two movements happening simultaneously in the US. The first is mainstream. The majority of adults in this country are overweight or obese and have poor metabolic health. They are eating nutrient poor foods and they are not moving their bodies enough.

Then, there is this glorious countertrend, this much smaller but growing grassroots movement of people getting healthy and inspiring others to get healthy like Tro and Chris.

It’s an asymmetrical bimodal distribution that looks like this:

Role Modeling is one of the most powerful forces in the universe, though it is grossly undervalued.

People, all of us, are just looking to be inspired by those who are doing great things. We are hardwired to adopt behaviors we find appealing from those we admire. This is Social Learning Theory 101

We behave like people we admire and when we get healthy people begin to admire us. It’s a virtuous cycle.

Our kids admire us, our friends and colleagues admire us, other family members admire us, our neighbors admire us and they are influenced.

I know this from experience.

I got myself healthy and then people began reaching out to ask me what I was doing and I would just tell them.

Yep. Get yourself healthy again. One person. You. 

Not only will you feel great, perform better at life and stay active longer into the future, but you will be an integral part of this urgent countertrend!