It Is Never Too Late

We can reinvent ourselves at any age and no matter how many times we’ve stumbled or fallen before.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve written a bunch about getting healthy into the new year.

It’s a great time to commit and rebirth is a vital theme in the human experience.

Today, I wanted to share a little bit about my own journey especially for those who might have tried before and given up.

When I turned 40, I was on the fast track to illness and death from drinking a lot and eating too much of the wrong garbage.

I was poisoning myself.

I remember the photo below on the left vividly. 15 and a half years ago. It was my son’s 1st birthday and the day before my 40th birthday.

My wife was pregnant with our second child.

I was stuck in multiple bad cycles and would continue struggling for years.

3 steps forward 2 steps back, 4 steps forward 8 steps back. Etc etc.

I knew what I needed to be doing and would try, get going, but then fail and give it all back and then some.

It was brutal.

It took me years of false starts and halfway theres for things to stick. 

I bring this up because the new year is coming and people naturally turn to rebirth, rejuvenation, and renewal. 

It’s archetypal stuff and ingrained deep in our human psyches.

I know there are people reading this who have tried and failed to get healthy - even with a lot on the line.

I encourage you to try again. 

Each time you might get closer and things might stick that did not before.

I spent years moving in the right direction but still falling back some before things steadied and then began to compound.

We can reinvent ourselves at any age and no matter how many times we’ve stumbled or fallen previously. 

Good luck!

I was recently a guest on Carson Group’s Facts Vs Feelings Podcast with Ryan Detrick and Sonu Varghese.

We talked about health with a specific focus on Financial Advisors. If you work in this space, you might enjoy.

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