Get Your A** Out Of Your Head

Since feeling is first, who pays any attention to the syntax of things

- ee cummings

There’s this slightly vulgar sometimes apt expression that goes like this:

Get your head out of your ass.

I had a lacrosse coach in high school who would scream this at me.

Get your head out of your ass, Pearlman!!

This morning, though, I am turning this expression upside down and the message is way more important. Here it is:

Get Your Ass Out Of Your Head.

We live in a culture that over-intellectualizes compulsively and so we have no idea whatsoever what we are feeling.

This is the other pandemic.

Maybe we do it because we are numb or to avoid feelings that make us uncomfortable. It doesn't matter why.

The cost is great though as we lose touch with our own emotions which is the fountain of experience.