Everybody’s Getting Fat ...

I’m looking at some of the latest numbers from the National Center for Health Statistics and they don’t look so good.

I’m looking at some of the latest numbers from the National Center for Health Statistics and they don’t look so good.

51.5% of US adults are either obese or severely obese. Jesus.

Here’s the chart:

More than half our nation is obese and if you add in the merely overweight number you get to more than 80%.

Obviously, we’ve run off the rails. 

Whether it's backwards dietary guidelines direct from government agencies or the industrial processed food complex shoving Count Chocula in your face, it doesn’t even matter.

Here is the simple reality of each individual reading this letter at this moment: 

You make decisions for yourself. You will fuel your body with what you choose. The money and power centers do not have your best health interests in mind. There is no benevolent sponsor.

If you have questions for me, you can hit me by replying to this email.

Here’s the song that inspired today’s title.