Consistency Leads To Everything

If you are improving or maintaining your health, consistency in action is the most important thing and leads to all other goodness.

If you are improving or maintaining your health, consistency in action is the most important thing and leads to all other goodness.

Consistency teaches you by experience. 

Doing something is a great way to learn. When you do something healthy, let’s say walking - you learn how good walking is directly over time by your enjoyment, your improving health, and how it makes you feel. 

This is experiential learning.

Consistency generalizes. 

Start doing one healthy thing consistently and pretty soon you find yourself doing a second healthy thing consistently and then another. Prioritize sleep day after day and eventually you find you’re moving more. 

This is crazy but true.

Consistency fosters progression. 

You improve performance if you practice that thing regularly. Wanna do 50 push ups? Start with 1, then 2, then 5 etc.

Consistency reinforces the value of consistency. 

As you do something healthy regularly over time, you learn the value of doing healthy things repeatedly. This is a huge lesson. 

Lock down resistance training 2x/week for a year plus and you’ll find getting your clean eating game down is way more doable. You’ve learned how to be consistent.

Sounds all meta because it is. 😉

Consistency gets results. 

If you are trying to trim down or sleep better or lower your blood pressure etc, doing that first healthy thing initiates a virtuous good results cycle. 

Lower the carbs/sugar and you’ll begin shedding lbs.

Consistency builds resilience. 

Let’s say you are eating clean af for a year, and then you go on vacation and eat garbage for a week. The vacation ends and you jump right back on the clean food wagon and any vacation weight gain comes right back off.

That bounce back IS resilience.

Some related links for ya…