Prime Cuts Curated Newsletter 1

Welcome to the first Prime Cuts Newsletter.

Over the last couple years, I’ve grown a list of friends that I share health related inspiration and knowledge with. It’s getting to the point where sharing a single direct message with the group regularly makes more sense so I created this newsletter. I also want to try Substack so its a good opportunity.

Each Sunday (or most), I’ll share a few items that might make a positive difference in a few people’s lives. Here’s some things that will guide this approach.

1. I am going to keep it simple. I’ve gone down the health and longevity rabbit hole and my take is that sometimes the most knowledgable people make things too complicated for people who want inspiration and knowledge but do not have hours and hours to decipher medical texts.

2. I believe that learning to listen to what your own body tells you about how you are treating it is the primary factor in getting healthier.

3. I think that getting healthier is a progression, a journey, and one that I am still and will always be on. Sometimes, we take two steps forward and one step back, sometimes we plateau, sometimes we get our ass kicked, and sometimes we quantum leap.

Please feel free to reach out with stuff you love that I might share, questions, or whatever at @ppearlman on Twitter or [email protected]. You can subscribe there. 👇

Now, here’s some that hit me the right way this week.

Getting outside and walking is the basic healthy activity. It can improve physical health, mood, relationships, creativity, visual cognition, and more. So freaking simple.

The Together Apart 5K Is April 25 Sponsored by Thornburg

Here’s an event for the runners out there who are bumming that all the races are getting canceled. I’m slow as heck but I will definitely be participating with my kids who will both beat me.

Nutrition can affect how our bodies respond to the virus. Governments and agencies should add nutrition recs to the social distancing, hand-washing, and mask wearing guidelines. No brainer…

This is easy, healthy, and tasty.

Tear apart a leftover hamburger from the fridge and fry it in a spoonful of bacon fat for a few minutes until its crackling. Crack in 6 jumbo eggs and lightly stir so that the yolks and whites mix but not totally. Salt & Pepper. When it’s almost ready, drop in a handful of shredded cheddar and mix a little more. Put it in a bowl and sprinkle bacon on top. Sriracha to taste.