Back To Basics

These are things that form a solid health base and then we can add on if we choose.

Good Morning Everyone -

I’m heading out for a full day with the family and so I have only a few minutes for this one. Still, here is an important message, if concise.

Spring is coming (13 days but who’s counting) 🤣 which marks a great time to survey our routine and recommit. Most books and articles make good health more complicated than it needs to be, while a few great habits and consistency form a solid base.

These are things that form a solid health base and then we can add on if we choose.

  1. Walking - Almost everyday or some other consistent movement.

  2. Protein Rich Low Carb Dinner - eating until we are really full and so less craving for snacks.

  3. Fast from 8PM to 12PM.

  4. Push ups a few times per week.

From this base, everything you add is accretive, whether its more intense strength training, HIIT, rowing, running, longer fasts, less alcohol etc.

Have a great day everyone.